Friday, July 23, 2010

So, i kinda sorta forgot this blog existed...

Sorry imaginary friends, it [probably] won't happen again [...maybe].

Quick catch up: I am back in the US. Specifically, I'm back in Chicago (I went home to D.C. for a while too, but since I forgot your existence, o blog of mine, I don't have any real updates from that). I still have a metric ish-ton of photos from the remainder of my trip in Israel, plus a story from my night in Istanbul (if i choose to actually tell it). Those updates will come slowly but surely. Fret not fuzzy ones.

In the meantime, I'm considering taking this blog in a slightly different direction. Since I currently have no super awesome fun time travel plans in the near future, I won't have too many exotic stories to regale you with. So what am I gonna talk about? Well I have a number of passions, and had a hard time choosing one to focus on. There's travel, but like I said, I'm ...domestic (what an unpleasant notion) and fairly stationary for quite a while into the foreseeable future, leaving not too much to really get into. Then there's fashion, which I would love[!] to do, but since I'm not an avid designer follower, and I'm learning to budget (i.e. avoiding stores like the plague to keep from shopping myself broke). Hair was also an option - If you know me in the real world, you know that I'm OBSESSED, and have a nearly rehab worthy addiction to fake hair - but since I'm still pretty new to the natural hair thang, and there are a million bloggers doing better than I ever could...nah, I'll just let them keep the wheel. Then there's books, dance, anime, music, etc...

So what did I chose? After much deliberation, I decided to make this blog a repository for my random thoughts and whims (in other words, I chose all of the above). Travel posts will include excursions I take and maybe bits about my favorite hang out spots within my current city, as well as maybe blurbs about where else in the world I'd like to travel and why. Fashion posts will basically be me showing off my wardrobe, pictures of outfits on days I think I look especially cute (or am especially bored), whines about what I what and or rants about what I can't stand (expect to hear a lot about my reluctant love/hate of jeggings), and maybe a few posts on models whose careers I'm stalking. And in some random crap here and there, and top it all off with tons of stuff about Me!!! (yes, when referring to me one must capitalize the first letter of the pronoun and follow it with three (3) exclamation points). Because really, even when talking about something else, a narcissistic bunni is always talking about herself.

Until next time,

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