Monday, April 26, 2010

Fun times: Haifa!!!!

This city seems to be a happy middle ground between the hyper-secular, "sin 'til you drop" attitude of Tel Aviv, and the hyper-(Abrahamic) religious, "Get Orthodox Like me" attitude of Jerusalem. Plus, there was a beach (The Mediterranean Sea is beautiful, and salty as a mutha). I mean, how can you not be happy spending a weekend lounging half naked next to a big gorgeous blue? BTW, if you're ever in town go to Sleek and order their namesake fries (full 10 points on Das Shiznit scale of awesome), chill out and jam to good music. Also, if you're comfy in your sexuality, the President Club (Members Only) knows how to party & have a good time; keep in mind that the chick bartender was bitchy, and you might have to get your name on the list in advance if you aren't a pretty girl ;).

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