Monday, April 26, 2010

Qumran: Where the Dead Sea Scrolls & some old Jewish ppl used to be...

Sorry, this title is rude... This was actually a pretty cool class trip, though I doubt highly that I'll ever be hiking in the desert after leaving this country - at least not during the day. This site is worth seeing, and allowed me to trespass in the name of knowledge (always fun). The little move they show in the center is wonderfully horrible, and strongly implies that John the Baptist was a shunned, former member of the community there (oh, the things you can tell Christians to promote tourism...). Also, this isn't too far from the dead sea, so we got a chance to spend a few minutes in a local nature reserve, and they sell a few mineral products.

Oh Shiz! I almost forgot about the Carmelite Monastery (sry guys...)

My bad yall...You can clearly see where my head was in that city...

Hezekiah's Tunnel (a.k.a. the discotech in my head...)

Don't ask me why, but I think the walk through Hezekiah tunnel would be so much more awesome if groups were mandated to walk through with at least one strobe light and / or glowsticks (instead of lame ole flashlights). Yeah man, just add dance music and you have a party walk. Oh well, maybe next time ....

The Bahai Gardens

Alas, Haifa wasn't all fun and games...just primarily so. We also traveled to one of the most central Bahai sites in the world (or something to that effect). The place was actually quite beautiful, and very peaceful. I'm not quite sure of my opinion of the religion itself, but I wish them all the best and hope world would move towards the peace and unity they envision.

More fun times!: Haifa part 2

Fun times: Haifa!!!!

This city seems to be a happy middle ground between the hyper-secular, "sin 'til you drop" attitude of Tel Aviv, and the hyper-(Abrahamic) religious, "Get Orthodox Like me" attitude of Jerusalem. Plus, there was a beach (The Mediterranean Sea is beautiful, and salty as a mutha). I mean, how can you not be happy spending a weekend lounging half naked next to a big gorgeous blue? BTW, if you're ever in town go to Sleek and order their namesake fries (full 10 points on Das Shiznit scale of awesome), chill out and jam to good music. Also, if you're comfy in your sexuality, the President Club (Members Only) knows how to party & have a good time; keep in mind that the chick bartender was bitchy, and you might have to get your name on the list in advance if you aren't a pretty girl ;).

A bit more from the Holiest Place on Earth...

The Holiest Place on Earth: Shots from the Temple Mount/ Dome of The Rock

Food Break: McD's of Ben Yahuda

I suppose that its all the same, but I think every red blooded American should visit our favorite, big name corporations in new lands at least once. I think its kinda cool to see the slight differences in the menu, the kid's toy du jour, the advertising, etc. Israeli novelties include some meals served in laffa, cornstick/nuggets, and kebob; everything else was familiar. So this McD's was not kosher (So yes, you can haz cheezburger here, non-observant kitties), but apparently the burger wasn't that tasty, according to my buddy. My happy meal was good (I got a little red car, with do it yourself sticker decals ^_^), but pretty pricey - roughly $5 for the 4 piece meal. All in all - pleased, but I don't see the need to go back again.

Next stop: "Checkers" and "Kentucky Fried Chicken" of the West Bank (but more on that later...)

Shots from Yad Vashem

Walking the way of the Cross